Fairbury Chamber Directory

Welcome to our Directory of Fairbury Chamber Members. Click on the Chamber member name and it will take you to the google maps feature. Chamber Members to update your information contact us at 402-729-3000. Your company logos, Facebook pages, short description, etc. can now be added! You can even log in yourself to make changes.


Vaughn Contracting

Contact: Jed Vaughn

721 4th Street
Fairbury, Nebraska 68352 United States

402-729-3869 (Main)

VFW Post 3113

Contact: Mike Hammer

2337 North K Street
Fairbury, Nebraska 68352 United States

402-729-2434 (Main)

Victory Too

Contact: Michael Burger

5237 Road RS
Davenport, Nebraska 68335 United States

402-365-7757 (Main)

Victra Verizon

Contact: Valerie Snyder

528 E Street
Fairbury, NE 68352 United States

