Fairbury Chamber Directory

Welcome to our Directory of Fairbury Chamber Members. Click on the Chamber member name and it will take you to the google maps feature. Chamber Members to update your information contact us at 402-729-3000. Your company logos, Facebook pages, short description, etc. can now be added! You can even log in yourself to make changes.


Lepant Law Offices

Contact: David Lepant

311 5th Street
Fairbury, Nebraska 68352 United States

402-729-3368 (Main)
402-729-2583 (Fax)

Livingston Enterprises Inc.

Contact: Bruce Livingston With many locations around the Fairbury, Nebraska area, Livingston Enterprises, Inc. is one of the largest family-owned pork producers in Nebraska. For more than 40 years, LEI has been committed to responsibly raising pigs and continuously enhancing the quality of life for our pigs. At LEI, we are  proud to support the growth and success of Fairbury.”

1501 K Street, Suite 106
Fairbury, Nebraska 68352 United States

402-729-3200 (Main)


Lottman Carpenter Construction

Contact: Doug Lottman

311 Commercial Street
Fairbury, Nebraska 68352 United States

402-793-5865 (Main)
402-793-5133 (Fax)


Loveland Products

Contact: Scot Lord

56908 HWY 8
Fairbury, Nebraska 68352 United States

402-729-4100 (Main)
